This is the section of my art where I try to display the everyday life of the home.
This is a self-portrait of me at my sewing machine. I was a fabric artist for over 30 years… until I couldn’t stand the poverty and got a job!
The Strawberry Pickers
Every year I put food by. I can, freeze and jar. I have a freezer full of this bounty. I really should cut down now that I am an old person. When my kid was small I went down to Richmond to get strawberries. I am an early riser so I got down there about 7 am and after registering with the owner a bus load of Chinese ladies arrived to pick for the market. I gave them a ride out to the fields with them laughing and pointing at Frank. They didn’t speak English and my Chinese was about as good.
We all got out and I picked berries for 4 hours with Frank playing in the rows and eating dirt. I ended up with about 75 pounds of berries. They lasted two years!
Chow Produce
Chow Produce used to be a small place down near Reifle Island. It was a long time ago. I used to get my winder supplies from them. The land got too expensive and the last time I was down there it was all houses – one of which was owned by my boss at the J. He fired me for wanting to get paid for the work I had done.

canning peaches
Here is a picture of me canning peaches. I did this one after I got ten cases of peaches from the Okanogan and spent the next two days and nights in the kitchen. It took us four years to eat them all.
One day I got the idea that I could make a name for myself by riding on the backs of the rich and famous. Of course I picked the wrong rich and famous. I picked those whom I admired. This meant that some of them were not respected by those people who pass out the kudos.
Connie Kaldor